USTLG Summer 2006 Meeting – Liverpool

I’m just putting the finishing touches to a presentation about Library 2.0 I’m giving tomorrow at the University Science and Technology Librarians Group Summer 2006 meeting.
I’m even beginning to have second thoughts — trying to sum up the last 2 or 3 years worth of Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 “stuff” in under 45 minutes (when I could happily talk about any single aspect of it for an hour) is proving a real challenge!
Anyway, once I get back from the event, I’ll update this post with a copy of the presentation.

Well, I’m back and I thoroughly enjoyed the meeting! If you’re looking for a copy of the presentation, then it’s here:
If you want to contact me, my email address is d.c.pattern {at}
Just in case you’re wondering about the title of this weblog, it’s an Alfred Hitchcock quote.
I can’t believe I forgot to mention the recent HigherEd BlogCon in the presentation, so head on over to to see how Web 2.0 is being used in academia.  The month long virtual conference was split into 4 week long themes:

The event also had a presentation by Ball State University, which I briefly mentioned today:
For a good introduction to Web 2.0, try this article — “What Is Web 2.0 by Tim O’Reilly.
The “rise of the weblog” graph came from Technorati:
Wikipedia has an overview of “Generation Y” and this article by Stephen Abram & Judy Luther is well worth a read.
The “Millennials / Generation Y / NextGens” table in the presentation (which I removed when I found out that Kara and David would be covering them in greater depth) was adapted from a table that Stephen Abram often uses in his presentations.
Finally, for a comprehensive snapshot of the state of Library 2.0 at the start of the year, have a look at Walt Crawford’s “Cites & Insights” (PDF or HTML).

2 thoughts on “USTLG Summer 2006 Meeting – Liverpool”

  1. I had an email from someone asking for a copy of the “Librarian 2.0” robot picture from the presentation – here you go:

    …by the way, I’m not trying to imply that a true Librarian 2.0 would really dispense cigarettes to patrons 😉

  2. Love the “Librarian 2.0” robot photo, and would love to use it for an upcoming article on automated library delivery systems. Please contact me if you might be willing to let our library school newsletter use it – with credit to you and your blog, of course!

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