DUG/HUG 2006 – Day One

It’s 01:02am and I just spent the last 30 minutes writing up an in-depth blog entry for day one… by the time I submitted it, the University of Lincoln network has timed my web connection out and refused to reload the page containing the text I’d just typed.
I honestly don’t have the energy to type it all out again, so here’s the O’Reilly “DUG/HUG Day One In a Nutshell” edition:
AM: no training sessions, so went to castle.
PM: Welcome speeches, Peter Gethin’s speech, my presentation about HIP tweaks (big thank you to everyone who came along — hope you found it interesting/useful!), evening meal, and lots of good networking!
…so tired, Homer need sleep now!

3 thoughts on “DUG/HUG 2006 – Day One”

  1. 1am? Dirty stop up… Nice castle pics. We might actually get weather to match yours today – looks glorious outside.

  2. That’s a surprisingly early time to be up and about for a 1am finish 😉

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